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How Do I Make My Spouse Feel Scared Of A Separation Or Divorce?

"My husband initially said he wanted a divorce, but then I got very upset and begged him to think of our kids. So he backed off some and said the maybe we could consider a separation. The thing is, I don't want a separation either. It would disastrous for our family and my husband is really being a baby who is going through a midlife crisis. We don't need to separate or divorce. He just needs a little dose of reality so that he realizes how good he has it. I have tried numerous things to make him see this. I've tried being very nice, but he won't play ball. So now I am trying to think of a strategy to scare him into dropping this whole thing. I have thought about telling him that I won't make it easy for him to see the kids, but my friends are cautioning me not to do this. They say that it's a low blow. Other than threatening to take him to the cleaners financially or to tell him that he'll never find anything that makes him happier, what can I do to scare him out of this?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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