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Fidelity and Infidelity - Relationships and Marriage

Some people do not have to consider the issue of fidelity and infidelity - the 60-year-old lady who has grown sour with time, who looks down her nose with judgmental disdain at any supposed immorality, who has not seen the spark of desire in a man's eyes for a long time, who does not inspire the warmth of tender appreciation. Love is not sour, it is sweet and soft. Love is not moralistic, it is wise. Love is not prudish, it is open and sensitive. Love is not resentful and closed, it is grateful and expectant. Life is complex and relationships equally so. To love freely but not to hurt; that is the balance. And it is a balance which constantly changes. Not only does one have to deal with one's own desires, emotions, and needs but one also has to deal with other people's desires, emotions, and needs. Combine this with the fact that life is constantly evolving and the inner being of people is, likewise, constantly evolving, and it creates a complex field to navigate.

from Relationships:Love Articles from


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