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My Husband Is Always Unhappy No Matter What I Do. I'm Getting Tired Of It

"it's probably been about eighteen months since my husband has been telling me how unhappy he is all of the time. At first, I thought that maybe he was just going through a rough time and blowing off steam, but he never stopped complaining. So, I really tried to make our home life less stressful. I tried to be cheerful and upbeat. But it doesn't seem to matter what I do. It's like he's a broken record with his unhappiness. And recently, I've noticed that it isn't just me or our marriage - it's everything. If we go to a restaurant, he finds fault with the food. He talks behind his coworkers' backs, which he never used to do before. He acts like his favorite sports team loses on purpose just to make him angry. It's like he's just sour about everything. I'm starting to think that he is just a miserable person and I don't know how to deal with him anymore."

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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