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People Are Not Very Supportive Of My Marital Separation. They Aren't Happy For Me If Things Improve

"I did not really want to burden my family, friends, or coworkers with details about my separation. However, I wanted a place to talk things through and to feel supported so I joined a support group for people going through a separation/divorce. The first week felt pretty good, but maybe that is because everyone was on their best behavior. I have to admit that the last few weeks, it really hasn't gone well. I want to reconcile with my husband. I was looking for people who could identify with what I was going through to keep my spirits up while I was waiting to see what happened with my marriage. However, many of these people are getting ready to divorce and are quite bitter and angry. If I try to relay good news that happened between my husband and myself during the week, I sometimes get sarcastic comments. I don't want people to tell me that all separations end in divorce. This is why I didn't tell some friends and family, but now I am getting this with the support group. And yet, I know that I need support, so I am not sure what to do."

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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