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Become A Master At The Art Of Seduction

Seducing women has truly become an art form and only a handful of men master it. I am sure that in your class or school there was a boy every woman chased. Oh, every boy hated him and every girl wanted to be with him. You would never find this boy trying to escape the friend zone.

Throughout history, you have heard about many charmers and womanizers like Don Juan or Casanova. If you want to master the art of seduction, you have to learn from a real master, from one of the greats, but you cannot learn only by listening to him or taking notes, you also have to practice. That is the fun part! So for those of you who are looking for a girlfriend.

Who's Teaching You?
Do some research before you jump into action. You can waste less time by reading. Of course, you cannot base your research only on reading books; you will also have to practice. Once you have the basic principles imprinted on your memory it will be easier for you to apply them in practice. Just like in getting the basics of flirting, you have to practice and put them to the test.
There are two types of instruction:
  • Passive instruction: when the teacher says what he knows and you can write down the main ideas or memorize them, just like in reading. This method alone is not very good because at some point, you might get bored and the information will get lost in the process.

  • The active instruction: learning from somebody who already practices what he learned. Why is this method more effective? It is more effective for many reasons but the main one is that if you any doubts or questions you could just get up and ask him what you didn't understand.
With this method, you will have to go looking through piles of notes and books until you find the answers you are looking for. For a more successful result, you should combine the two methods. Learn from both ways and start to develop your own way to seduce a woman. Not everyone is right, but not everyone is wrong either. Take what works for you and use it.

Practice Makes Ready
As we all know it, practice makes perfect and you will have to practice a lot before you can call yourself a master. Sometimes you can't be perfect, but practicing does make you ready. You have to get out there and make a few mistakes before starting to learn. If you could hire a trainer and carry him around with you at all times, that would be great, but since you cannot do that, you will have to manage on your own.

Being good with women involves a certain skill. If you want to be successful, you will have to develop that skill and the only way to do it is through practice. If getting women comes natural to you, then you don't have to worry abut anything. You could say that you are blessed.

Be Patient While You're Learning
Whenever you're learning something new, it will never come all at once. You need to understand and cope with the platueau. You might wonder now what a plateau is. Well, it goes like this: you study and study for months and you see no result, not a single improvement, not one glimpse at a successful future and you get angry and continue to learn and then, puff, the success is in your hands.
Things you have to know:
  • The plateau comes unexpectedly
  • You will see not gradual improvements
  • While you are experiencing the plateau, you just have to push it harder and harder
Whenever you learn not to give up, your strategy will start working and you will be on your way to success! If you have been experiencing this phase earlier and had no idea what to do, well now you know. As long as you don't give up, the results will start to show!
Work On Your Self-Esteem With Visualization Techniques
This method has scientific proof that it works. Just like the athletes who visualize themselves at the finish line or scoring a winning goal. Take a little time to picture your life as a master of seduction and whenever you go out to pick up women take a while to visualize two steps:
  • Think about your image, your self esteem and how you look in the eyes of others
  • Think about what techniques you are going to use that night in order to get the woman you have set your eyes on
These two small little aspects will completely change your game and you will become more confident. We are almost done but before that, I suggest you another important step.

Control Your Subconscious!
You have the looks, you have the charms but if you behave like a scared person, all those traits will get wasted. Control how you react, how you feel and never let your true emotions show because that will mess it all up. If you are trying to seduce women you have to be confident. That will show the woman that you have the right qualities to make her feel safe around you. If you behave like a wuss, you will be treated like one. It doesn't matter how you look. You're attractive because of how you behave and react to situations.

Some additional information you will find useful:
The brain has three stages; you have to learn about those stages before you can start working:
  • Beta brain: the beta brain is the brain that functions when you are alert. You will never be able to trick the beta brain because it will cut you right off. If you try to say to your beta brain that you are powerful and charming and so on, it will slap you back to reality.

  • Unlike the beta brain is the alpha brain that will allow you to visualize your success. The alpha brain is the one which will let you trick it. If you want to say that you are a womanizer, a real charmer, the alpha brain will support that information

  • Finally yet importantly is the theta brain. This brain has a sensitive spot that therapists use while they are trying hypnosis. The theta brain can be easily tricked and all the information that it receives will be imprinted in the subconscious.
To conclude we will recap what we learned until now:
We all want to be mastering some sort of technique and we admire the all time greats. We admire the greats, we would like to be like them but we need to practice until we bleed in order to succeed. Doing so will make the mission of looking for a girlfriend that much easier.
  • Read, take classes, get instructed, turn that study into a lifestyle
  • Practice, practice and when you had enough practice a little bit more
  • Get over the plateau by understanding it and coping with it
  • Take time to visualize your success, it will improve your self esteem and your image
  • Remember the three stages of the brain and take advantage of them whenever you can
You have to be dedicated to it. This is one of the reasons why you can't escape the friend zone. Assimilate what you read or learned before you start learning a new thing. Follow all the steps and you will become a real seducer, a womanizer, a guy every woman wants. You will be an all star player. More and more men have started to master the art of seduction and that should prove to you that becoming a charmer is not impossible but it takes a lot of work.

E. Bas gives dating tips for those who need to find their inner self-confidence and be happy with themselves and escape the friend zone. He spills many secrets and techniques on his website Greatest Dating Advice.
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