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How to Attract Women - Using 3 Secrets of the King of Seduction

You know what a seductive stud can do. He makes women fall all over themselves trying to grab his attention. He can make women feel emotions so powerful with  minimum effort.
You might think he has the superpowers to turn any girl into a girlfriend, but what he has can be learned by any guy who wants to. Read on to discover the tricks that the seductive stud uses to become super attractive to women anywhere.

How To Attract Women - Using 3 Secrets of The King of Seduction
Secret #1. Build Amazing Rapport. The key to making a woman blush and act all girly around you is to make her feel comfortable before flirting with her. Making her feel relaxed talking to you will open up her emotions and get her thinking of you as a funny, charming man she wants to hang out with.
When you get her in this state, the next logical step is to increase sexual tension, which can be done by teasing her until she's blushing and laughing.

Secret #2. Be Deep. Most men don't get what a woman means when she says 'you're shallow'. It simply means the guy did not show a sensitive side, and acted thick-skinned while talking to her. Showing vulnerability is attractive because it makes a woman feel that you're emotionally compatible with her.  When this happens, she lowers  her guard and lets go of her misgivings about you.

Secret #3. "Hypnosis". Here's a secret technique that only seductive studs know about. Using emotions to make women feel attraction so strong is a part of hypnosis, particularly the technique called fractionation.
Using this technique, women get mesmerized by simply riding the emotional roller coaster you set up for them. Using this technique, women will fall in love with you helplessly, and they will never see it coming. If you want to make a woman feel emotionally attached to you in less than 15 minutes, this is the technique to try.
But before you use this technique, you must heed this warning ... Fractionation is considered as a 'dark art' tactic which is the basis of hypnosis-based seduction, and while controversial, it is known to be one of the most effective tactics ever invented by underground seductionists. It is described in a step-by-step system in the Deadly Seduction Manuscript (

These psychology tactics are highly unconventional techniques that are used by the secret elite in the seduction community. Use at your own risk. I personally vouch for the effectiveness of these tactics, but care must be taken as they could be outright dangerous in the hands of the unscrupulous. But if you're ready to get girls without breaking a sweat, then do this instead.
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