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I'm Starting To Feel Like The Time Has Come To Admit My Marriage Is Better Off Being Over

"When my husband left me, I admit that I didn't help myself very much. I believe that I sort of pushed my husband away with my desperate behavior. He eventually started up a relationship with someone else. Some of his friends told me that he actually started seeing this woman before our separation, but he denied it. I refused to accept this and made a fool of myself. Things got so bad that my husband and I were fighting every day and I stopped calling. Weeks went by and I really thought that this was the end of my marriage. But then my husband called me and said that he was wrong and that we should try again. I was thrilled. At first, things were wonderful. It felt like our marriage was better than ever. But after about four months, things deteriorated. He stormed out again. And now he is seeing several different women. Of course, I'm trying to maintain contact with him, but part of me feels like I am being silly and that this is a roller coaster ride that I just need to let go. How do you know when it's time to just give up?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from


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